
 Assalamualaikum & Selamat Sejahtera

10.45pm NZT. Sejujurnya tak tahu nak tulis apa jadi aku tulis apa yang nampak depan mata. Aku tak plan pun nak tulis entry baru but here I am. I guess there's too much on my mind which I think it's best to let it out somewhere. I know some people choose to tell someone about what's on their mind because it feels great to be heard & listened to, but there are also some people who choose to write it down instead of telling others which I think it's alright. Well, I'm both. Although I rarely write anything in here anymore, this blog will forever be my safe place. It's an escape for me. 

If you are wondering how am I doing...I can say I am doing just fine. Physically, yes. Mentally...I am not so sure but I think I am getting much much better now. Emotionally, well yes it depends. Uhh tiba-tiba aku rasa macam belum bersedia nak bercerita panjang kat sini, nak terus tutup laptop & biar saja. Tapi nanti rasa terkurung haha. Aku rasa sekarang aku banyak simpan sendiri. Kalau cerita kat orang pun aku tak cerita semua. Maybe because I'm not used to write things in here anymore, therefore it makes me feel exposed to share? 

Aku dah menguap. Esok kerja. Taknak janji nak sambung tulis ke apa sebab my last entry pun tahun 2021 bulan 5. Ok dah menguap buat kali kedua. Take care & stay safe, whoever you are, wherever you are. 


Suci dari hati, Syasya Amirah Binti Mohd Zaki


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