April Fools (not)

Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera Well hello there! Alhamdulillah aku masih ingat ya terhadap blog ini & tanggungjawabku untuk post entry baru haha. Well I have to stick to my plan of updating my blog with new entry at the end of every month so here I am! By the way I'm not planning to write a lot in today's entry because...there's not much to talk about 😆 But I'll be posting some photos instead hehe. Anyway, we are currently at Alert 3 for the COVID19 issue in New Zealand. Alhamdulillah everything's going well so far. Baru je masuk fasa 3 hari Isnin haritu. Fasa 3 ni, kedai makan semua dah buka tapi masih belum boleh dine in. Take away/delivery saja yang dibenarkan. Setakat ni aku belum beli makanan luar apa-apa lagilah haha. Ada pun aku baru order nasi kerabu Kelantan untuk Ahad ni berbuka puasa kat rumah. Itupun kawan aku juga yang jual tapi dia duduk rumah lainlah ehe. Don't know how it tastes like, but I hope it's good! ...