
Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera

I should be doing my assignment, but I feel sleepy. Aku dah buka laptop dari pukul enam lebih tadi tapi aku rasa mengantuk. So aku main Candy Crush, tengok youtube. Dah start belek belek assignment tapi rasa mengantuk. I know I should force myself. Okay, I'll get back to it after this (nope). 

Alhamdulillah, first term kat uni dah habis. I feel great. Good grades still motivates me so... yeah. Tapi baru first term. Markah exam apa semua belum dapat lagi. Tengoklah macam mana nanti eh. Second term, banyak benda haha. Bulan 9 tak ada submission tapi ada satu midterm test & kena prepare banyak benda untuk bulan 10 punya submission. Aku kena start dah buat individual assignment untuk course Advance HRM tapi aku rasa mengantuk tadi aaaaa. Tak patut tau. Ok takpalah. 

Malam Malaysia is just around the corner. Kinda nervous sebab aku first time join teather haha. Walaupun bukan one of the casts, but I am one of the team. Dance team.

I was looking at my gallery just now, to look at what did I do for the past 31 days haha. I just gonna share it randomly cuz member malas nak susun & gather gambar phew. 

16 August 2019 was Diha's birthday and also Muhammad Ammar Bin Norhilmie Husni (anak buah saya hehe). Obviously I didn't celebrate Ammar's birthday because I am so far away. How could I? But I sang him happy birthday song and he laughs. I bet he understands :') Anyway, kami housemates buat a small surprise at first sebab we don't want to make it obvious that we had a bigger surprise for Diha. Aqilah buat brownies (her speciality) and we sang happy birthday with candles on top of it. Diha memang ingat itu je surprise nya. Alhamdulillah it works! Sebenarnya minggu tu kami memang busy teruk sebab dah nak cuti midterm, jadi banyak exam & submissions tau. Penat aaa. Saja bagi alasan gitu kat Diha hihi. The next day, we surprised her for real. Aku ajak bebudak dari rumah lain yang Diha rapat jadi meriahlah sikit. It turns out well and she was surprised yeay! We ordered pizzas and red velvet cake.

Fast forward, on Sunday 25 August 2019 aku pergi main Ski kat Mount Hutt!! It was so refreshing hahaha. Aku jatuh banyak kalilah tapi seronok sangat. Walaupun aku gayat. Sobs. The journey was okay. My friend is a good driver. Aku tak rasa terancam. I feel safe walaupun itu first time aku naik dengan dia. Aku Co-driver so I can't sleep. Two hours journey je tak lama pun. Semua perempuan. Aku ambil lesson kat sana sebab aku tak pernah main ski langsung. Risau apa apa jadi. At least dah ada basic okay dah. Aku ambil dua lessons. Pagi & petang. Petang tu lepas dah habis lesson dia bawa naik gunung. Aaaaa aku gayat gila sumpah. Aku tak duduk diam tau atas skyline tu. I was praying supaya selamat sampai atas. It was so scary nak nangis rasa. Dah sampai atas, angin kuat sangat and we keep on tergolek. So he decided to bring us down naik skyline juga hahaha. Dia kata first time dia bawa turun orang naik skyline tu. Takpalah eh. Sebab memang windy sangat. Aku tak terasa selamat haha. Tapi rasa macam tak puas sebab tak turun gunung. Okay next time maybe. 

Aku jarang post gambar full sebab tak suka haha. I feel too exposed. Tapi susah kalau tak letak full gambar ni. It's either I have to crop my upper part or the lower part. I can't choose. The scenery was so mesmerising.

I'm not really satisfied with my post this time. Sebab ada lagi content lain yang aku tak cerita. Hmm. I'll make it up in September maybe? We'll see. 


Suci dari hati, Syasya Amirah Binti Mohd Zaki


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