
Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera

Have you ever heard voices inside your head? Either positive or negative or...it can be both. Have you ever heard of it? And if you did, did you listen to it or you just ignore? 

Tak aku tak depressed. Aku rasa itu cuma pemikiran aku bila aku nak taip sesuatu. Ya lah mesti kau fikir dulu susun ayat dalam otak lepastu baru tulis. Kan? Tapi macam mana pula kalau waktu tu kau tak menulis pun? Kau macam duduk seorang diri, berfikir. Aku rasa berfikir okay je kot kan. Sebab kau macam bercakap dalam otak, guna suara kau sendiri. Entahlah aku rasa bila cuti lama sangat ni aku jadi banyak berfikir benda yang aku tak boleh nak selesaikan. 

So the moral of the story is, try to fill in your free time. Well, I read books :) 

Last few days aku emotional. Aku rindu sangat kat Kopi. I was scrolling at his photos, looking at his cute blank expression. Tengok muka terkejut dia, muka manja dia. Aku rindulah. Lol mata aku start kabur ni hahaha bencila emo. I cried that day. I cried a lot. Sampai berhingus ha bayangkan. Rindu nak pegang dada dia gebu. Rindu nak peluk dia. Rindu nak baring then letak dia atas badan (I found out it was so calming to do that, you should try putting something heavy on top of you). 

Rindu Kopi sangat.

Look at that beautiful creature (it's a He)

Look at his expression! (That's akak's hand actually. I wish it was me)

I wish it was me holding him too. 

I miss you.

Suci dari hati, Syasya Amirah Binti Mohd Zaki


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