My Baeby

Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera

I am currently in the mood of missin' my boyfriend. Hahahahah. Ok whoever has come to reach this post, feel free to skip. Because it is not about random things. It is about my boyfriend *wink*

It has been so long since the last time I clearly talked about him, by writing, on this blog. A lot of things happened so whatever. 

People says that, you're not confirm to be together yet so why bother? Why bother with all those stuff like posting about your partner etc? Then I was like, ya I know but why would you guys even care? This is the other way of me showing my appreciation towards my boyfriend. Kalau tak suka tak perlu tengok/baca, as simple as that. Doakan kebahagiaan kami ja cukuplah. Yes we will never know what the future holds for us but we are currently together now. I'm tryin' to live in the moment here :)

You know, it feels awkward to share anything about him now because I like to keep things more private between us two (sense any maturity yet?). The last time I posted about him, it's on his birthday, in 2017. Wow time flies. (Okay baru check, there's a short post about him juga on October 2017. That's all). I used to post a birthday wish for him on my blog but not in this year hehe. But the love stays the same baby, never less. 

He's doing his degree and next year will be his final year insyaAllah. But if it happens the other way around, that's fine. HE is the best planner after all. 

I'm gonna post his picturessss and those are the ones that I like (read as: suitable for posting). Well I favor all of his pictures but there are plenty that I like to keep it to myself. Hehe :>

Ini yang penting sebenarnya. Hahahahahha 

Okay itu je hehe xoxo

Suci dari hati, Syasya Amirah Binti Mohd Zaki


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