Birthday Girl ;D

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera

Allah selamatkan kamu, 
Allah selamatkan kamu, 
Allah selamatkan Syasya Amirah,
 Allah selamatkan kamu 

Happy birthday to you, 
Happy birthday to you, 
Happy birthday to Syasya Amirah, 
Happy birthday to you

Wieeee today is my birthday! 28 of May :D The day that I waited, the day that I become over excited, over reacted, over and over and over xD 

On 28 of May, born a girl named Syasya Amirah binti Mohd Zaki. A girl that has a Chinese look like. A girl that never knows what life is. A girl that one day will make people around her be proud of her. A girl that has a wonderful smile *alahai* A girl that loves cat. Like so much! :D A girl that love food. A girl that love to smile ;) A girl that has a soft heart *Oh my good* So sensitive she is. A girl that has a 'blur' issue --" Sorry for her. A girl that full of happiness in her life. A girl that love to make people happy. 

On 28 of May, she will become over excited, over hyperactive, over reacted, over childish, over over over and over. Once in a year yeah? So let her be. The girl is me. The girl that write all of this thing. The girl who own this blog. The girl is me, 
Syasya Amirah binti Mohd Zaki ;) <3

Alhamdulillah, sekarang umur Sya dah capai 16 tahun. Sweet sixteen x) Syasya reborn :D Haha merepek. Wish saya yang paling utama, Sya doakan semoga mak cepat sembuh, lebih sihat dari dulu. Boleh masak sedap-sedap, boleh bawak adik jalan-jalan! :D Amin amin amin, insyaAllah :) 

Alhamdulillah Sya masih diberikan kesempatan untuk menyambut hari lahir Sya yang ke 16 tahun. Oh, selamat hari lahir juga kepada semua kembar Sya! :D Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan bahagia selalu ;) Semoga berjaya di dunia dan akhirat insyaAllah. Love love love :* The present from moi :


Terima kasih and thank you kepada semua yang mengucapkan selamat hari lahir kepada saya :D

Lots of lovessssss <3 Muah muah muah! *flying kiss* ;)



Suci dari hati, Syasya Amirah binti Mohd Zaki <3 <3 <3


  1. syasya...HAHA..happy bufday...u look so happy..hehe....


  2. Jayyyyyy!!!!! Aku baru baca tau. Hahaha. Sorry my dear cantik xD hihi thank you :))


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