In vague and in vain Part 2

Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera I've been struggling to come out with a new title for this entry, but I couldn't. I guess I'm still living in the same phase and dealing with the same pain which I'm not sure if it's gonna come to an end. Well, that explains why I have the same title with an additional of "Part 2." I hope there's not gonna be "Part 3" or "Part 4" because girl wants to escape from this pain but girl knows she can't. I am THAT girl. At least I'm healing. I think so? I'm not sure if I want to tell the whole world about what happened and the reasons why I'm feeling miserable since the past 7 months. I honestly do have the happy and cheerful moments during the same period of time and I am not faking it. I laughed a lot and I cried a lot as well. Fair share huh? Kak Ngah Maisarah told me to open up about my feelings by writing. She said it helps. It does help her to feel better so why don't I...