The end of 2019

Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera The past few months had been tiring. Mentally and emotionally drained. I feel tired with what I'm feeling at that time, but I managed to stay calm and focused on the other important things despite my feelings. I just hope that I don't have to go through that phase again. One thing for sure, we can't control anyone. I can't control anyone. I can't control the things that a person did or would do to me. The only thing that we can control is ourselves. Jadi, kawallah diri sendiri & minta pada Tuhan supaya dipermudahkan. Sebab segalanya datang dari Dia juga. 6 December 2019 Taman Cemerlang Akak nikah. Alhamdulillah. Aku happy. Sungguh. Sebab aku anak bongsu, I've seen so many things happen in this family. Dari kecil sampai besar. Tapi benda-benda yang jadi tulah yang buat all of us become stronger together. Aku dengan akak tak rapat sangat. Especially masa aku kecil dulu. Mungkin sebab age-gap kami terlampa...