
Showing posts from December, 2018

My Baeby

Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera I am currently in the mood of missin' my boyfriend. Hahahahah. Ok whoever has come to reach this post, feel free to skip. Because it is not about random things. It is about my boyfriend *wink* It has been so long since the last time I clearly talked about him, by writing, on this blog.  A lot of things happened so whatever.  People says that, you're not confirm to be together yet so why bother? Why bother with all those stuff like posting about your partner etc? Then I was like, ya I know but why would you guys even care? This is the other way of me showing my appreciation towards my boyfriend. Kalau tak suka tak perlu tengok/baca, as simple as that. Doakan kebahagiaan kami ja cukuplah. Yes we will never know what the future holds for us but we are currently together now. I'm tryin' to live in the moment here :) You know, it feels awkward to share anything about him now because I like to keep things more private b...


Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera I don't really have a specific title for this post because it is so random. Aku macam terfikir je tadi nak update entry baru kat blog sebab...entah? Just feel like doing it. And if you're reading this right now (well obviously you are), aku dah remove link blog aku kat instagram & twitter. I am happily doing it. Rasa macam ada freedom. I feel like I've been given a freedom to talk about anything.  The reason why I remove my website link is because, I feel exposed. Eheh. Aku sedar aku ni bukannya sesiapa, tak famous pun, kenapa nak hide blog apa semua kan. Tapi sebab aku rasa aku dah tunjuk banyak benda pasal kehidupan aku. Because I have Facebook, Instagram and twitter account. Kat situ je aku dah tulis & cerita banyak benda (I think so?). Itu pun kat Facebook aku dah banyak hide personal details & information. Kat blog ni pun sebenarnya banyak je lagi pasal hidup aku tapi I have hundreds of posts T_T Penatlah n...