The Number Before 'Two'
Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera Alhamdulillah for the two digits number before twenty. Alhamdulillah for everything. Health, wealth, relationships, knowledge, me, etc. Dia dah beri banyak sangat. Mungkin ini cuma cebisan, tapi yang kita rasa tu banyak. Agak-agak kalau Dia bagi yang memang dikatakan banyak tu macam mana ye? Semoga diri dijauhi riak. Terlampau banyak yang ingin dikongsikan tapi tak tertulis. Mungkin belum tiba masanya kot? Entah. Whatever it is, thank you everyone who wishes me for my birthday. Well there might be some people who knows my birthday but they don't want to wish me or they want but they can't etc. I don't mind. Because "The thoughts that counts" So thank you and I wish you guys all the best in here and hereafter. May all your wishes come true. May Allah ease every single thing for you and your family. Selamat berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Bergantung hati pada Allah. Tahun ni takda yang jadi first wisher ke...